Additive Manufacturing Meets Traditional Processes: The Future of Brazing and Heat Treating

There’s been a lot of chatter about new technology in manufacturing, but here’s the bottom line: The fusion of cutting-edge techniques like additive manufacturing with time-tested processes like brazing and heat treating is turning the industry on its head. If you’re a durable goods manufacturer who wants to stay relevant, you can’t sit on the […]
7 Characteristics of a Brazed Joint

Brazing is a trusty technique that melts and flows a filler metal into a joint to join metals—a superior method compared to welding and soldering. Unlike welding, brazing doesn’t mess with the properties of the metals being joined, so you steer clear of distortion and weakening. Unlike soldering, it creates tougher joints that can handle […]
Great Manufacturing Starts with Great Engineering

When you craft metal parts, engineering is everything. From casting and forging to machining and brazing, every phase of the engineering and production process is packed with its own challenges. Getting each one right is critical for building components that withstand the test of time, especially when brazing is part of the process. Precision Matters […]
The Role of Precision Machining and Brazing in Forging an Unbreakable Bond

To the uninitiated, brazing might seem like the unglamorous cousin of welding. But brazing isn’t child’s play. It’s a science that can be examined at various levels of granularity, from the molecular intricacies to the end result visible to the naked eye. While the process may seem straightforward, achieving perfection in brazing is far from […]